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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Practical implementation of multi-band mirror antenna systems of communications with satellites in geostationary, high-elliptical and circular orbits
D.D. Gabrielyan - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Pro fessor, Deputy head of science of Scientific and Technical Complex, FRPC «RNIIRS»
V.I. Demchenko - Head of Scientific and Technical Complex, FRPC «RNIIRS»
D.Ya. Razdorkin - Leader of sector, FRPC «RNIIRS»
In the article the questions of practical implementation of the multi-band antenna mirror systems of communication with satellites in geostationary, high-elliptical and circular orbits. Use of proven on practice development methodologies such antenna systems on the basis of two-mirror antennas allows:  using modified double-mirror antenna, which parameters are calculated on the basis of conditions of formation in the aperture of a given energy distribution of the electromagnetic field at a fixed position phase center irradiator in double-mirror antenna, defined angular and linear dimensions of the primary mirror, convergent mirror and given function describing pattern of irradiator to minimize the reduction in the rate of use surface multi-band antenna in relation to the single-band antenna appropriate range;  is due to the choice as irradiators multi-band antenna systems corrugated conic horns with supply circular waveguide best meet the cumulative requirements of irradiators WT;  the way of use for the implementation of frequency selection combined AVA with a single feed of receiving and transmitting MAC principle of sequential selection of energy frequency ranges on the basis of the bridge circuits with Quad port taps containing filters low frequency (LPF) to minimize losses in each band;  is through the use of separation frequency ranges, located in a strip of a rectangular waveguide standard section frequency diplexers containing the output shoulders filters band-pass and notch type, to ensure a level interchanges at least 35-40 dB. Implementation of these directions is used in the development and serial manufacture of the basic structures of antenna devices with modified ZA diameter 3.5 m 7.3 m to 9.1 m 12.0 m, which are used when creating a MAC, in various combinations, L-, C-, X-, Ku- and Ka-band. Over the last decade, developed design AVA on the basis of a single horn emitter in combined L/C, C/Ku, C/X/Ku X/Ka, C/Ku/Ka, Ku/Ka and C/X/Ku/Ka-band high level of technology, and limit values of electric parameters. Presents multi-band antenna is designed for work with satellites on the geostationary and high-elliptical orbits. In the latter case, the tracking can be performed in all combined ranges.
Pages: 61-69
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