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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Russia-s first spaceborne scatterometer. Design principles
D.D. Gabrielyan - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Head of science of Scientific and Technical Complex, FRPC «RNIIRS» V.I. Demchenko - Head of Scientific and Technical Complex, FRPC «RNIIRS» S.V. Ivanov - Engineer, FRPC «RNIIRS» V.Y. Karaev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math), Senior Researcher, Institute of Applied Physics A.A. Kosogor - Ph.D. (Eng.), Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy, Director, FRPC «RNIIRS» Yu.V. Kuznetsov - Leader of Group, FRPC «RNIIRS» A.L. Shlaferov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, FRPC «RNIIRS»
Design principles of first Russian space-borne scatterometer are discussed using systematic approach. The main consideration is given to the use of fan-beam rotating antenna pattern and processing of radar signals. The reasoning of the parameters of onboard equipment, providing high accuracy measurement of normalized radar cross-section, is presented.
Pages: 6-15
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