350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Design of composite radio devices based on informational and logical connections of components
A.F. Pokhilko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate professor, professor of the department of «Applied mathematics and informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: Paf_54@mail.ru
D.E. Tsygankov - master student of the department of «Design and technology of electronic means», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: d.tsyg@mail.ru
Design of composite objects differs by the presence of the technical requirements to the entire device, without separate requirements to the components. Results of the design activity are the technical documentation and a 3D-assembly. Generation of a 3D-assembly includes adding 3D-models of components and the introduction of conjugations between them. For 3D-assembly corrections and adjustments, it is needed to replace manually the parts and install their conjugations that take considerable time. The proposed solution is to establish structural and logical relationships between the components of the 3D-assembly. This allows components to bind with structural elements of each other. Formally, each component of the assembly can be described by the set of design parameters required for the creation of its informational 3D-image. These output design parameters are functions of the source data specification. Formal description of the 3D-assembly includes not only the set of components design parameters, but also the set of interconnections between all components. This ensures the integrity of the resulting informational 3D-image. Software implementation is based on the design procedures coding and their further forming in the order corresponding particular design solution. The proposed approach allows optimizing the design of composite radio devices. The advantage is the automatic generation of interconnections between the components. Therefore, the result of the project activity is the design solution as the integral system. Interconnections between the components can determine their conjugation with each other, as well as to modify and export the final design solutions, not disrupting its integrity, what is not provided by any of the modern CAD systems.
Pages: 130-132

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