350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Increase of probability of signal recognition rate according to their cross-correlation portraits
speech commands recognition
cross-correlation portraits
boundaries variation
model library
V.R. Krasheninnikov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, head of the chair «Applied mathematics and informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: kvr@ulstu.ru
N.A. Krasheninnikova - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor, Head of the Chair of the English Language for Professional Activity, Ulyanovsk State University. E-mail: kna.73@mail.ru
E.Yu. Galitskaya - Post-graduate student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: katrisa@yandex.ru
N.A. Krasheninnikova - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor, Head of the Chair of the English Language for Professional Activity, Ulyanovsk State University. E-mail: kna.73@mail.ru
E.Yu. Galitskaya - Post-graduate student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: katrisa@yandex.ru
The problem of signal recognition under intensive noise conditions appear in many practically important applications. For example, such a problem can be found in process monitoring and speech information-control systems. All these systems must function well under intensive noise conditions. If there is a fixed number (library) of recognized signals it is necessary to conduct recognition by comparing signals with their models. In order to improve recognition the signals are previously transformed into special images (cross-correlation portraits). However, inexact determination of speech signal boundaries and their variability have a negative impact. The paper suggests several methods to reduce impact of inexact determination by estimation variability of speech signal boundaries. The optimization of model library helps to reflect signal variability better. As a result the probability of recognition rate increases.
Pages: 107-110
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