350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Optimal estimate of the traffic jump time in seal networks of mobile communcations
Y.S. Shinakov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow technical university of communications and informatics. E-mail: shinakov1@mtuci.ru
The task of earliest detection of adiscord process and its solutions, known in mathematical statistics, are used for a earliest detection of a jump timeof an intensity function of traffic in a seal network of mobile communications. There are considered the two approaches: Bayesian and conditionallyoptimalmethods. The loss function is a weighted sum of a false detection probability and an average time of an alarm signal delay. For the second method it is considered the class of the detection algorithms, for which the false alarm probability is less than a selected threshold value. There are given the recommendations at a choice of the threshold for the successive detection algorithms.
Pages: 72-78

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