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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Autonomous system of monitoring the integrity of navigation data of satellite navigation systems
A.V. Ivanov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Chair of radiotechnics, Tambov State Technical University, Russia. E-mail: resbn@jesby.tstu.ru
The problems of creating algorithms for autonomous systems navigation data integrity monitoring of satellite navigation systems that make up the navigation systems.To develop algorithms considered three approaches: Based on the heuristic method, the optimal linear filtering techniques and methods of estimation theory of Markov random processes and fields. Heuristically proposed block diagram of control algorithms and data integrity of the navigation satellite navigation systems using information from the barometric altimeter. Optimal linear filtering techniques synthesized optimal algorithms for autonomous systems navigation data integrity monitoring of satellite navigation systems in relation to navigation and landing complex aircraft, includes a signal receiving equipment of satellite navigation systems , inertial navigation system, radar altimeter low altitude and barometric altimeter. On the basis of algorithms for the structural scheme of the autonomous control system integrity. By statistical simulation conducted performance testing of the synthesized optimal algorithms. The results confirmed the possibility of being caught violating the integrity of the navigation software. Application of the first two methods to create a simple algorithms autonomous integrity monitoring, not functionally related to the algorithms determine the coordinates and motion parameters of moving objects. The application of methods of estimation theory of Markov random processes and fields for the synthesis of complex algorithms in the primary processing of information for navigation and landing complex. Application of methods of estimation theory of Markov random processes and fields, in contrast to the first two methods makes it possible to control the integrity of the navigation software in conjunction with the availability of radio control equipment at the entrance of the reception of satellite navigation systems for their energy. This makes it possible to exclude the possibility of processing the navigation data in abnormal operation (failure or artificial input inaccurate data on the coordinates of navigation satellites), as well as identify the denial of the channel apparatus for receiving and processing radio satellite navigation systems.
Pages: 55-64

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