350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Estimation algorithm for nonsimultaneous measurements from dual-band radar systems
V.I. Merkulov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, deputy designer general, department head, Radio-engineering Corporation Vega JSC. E-mail: mail@vega.su
P.A. Sadovskiy - Ph.D. (Eng.), senior researcher, Radio-engineering Corporation Vega JSC. E-mail: mail@vega.su
The article deals with the problem of designing an algorithm of integrated processing of nonsimultaneously and sparsely arriving measurements from dual-band radar systems. The necessity of applying mathematical apparatus of adaptive analog-discrete estimation is justified. Using the chosen apparatus, an algorithm of estimation of range and range rate for tracking a maneuvering target is obtained. Simulation modelling of the algorithm is carried out under assumptions, that the carrier frequencies and accuracies of range measurements vary by several times. Obtained results corroborate high effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Pages: 28-32

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