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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Potential possibilities of method of majority correction of errors
V.V. Mayorov - design engineer JSC «Sozvezdie «Concern». E-mail: vitmay@mail.ru
I.I. Malyshev - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), senior research engineer, director general adviser JSC «Sozvezdie «Concern». E-mail: office@sozvezdie.su
S.A. Akulinin - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of chair of the technological and automated systems of electronic mechanical engineering, Voronezh State Technical University
I.I. Malyshev - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), senior research engineer, director general adviser JSC «Sozvezdie «Concern». E-mail: office@sozvezdie.su
S.A. Akulinin - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of chair of the technological and automated systems of electronic mechanical engineering, Voronezh State Technical University
At conditions of action of powerful interferences complex probability of false receiving of codogrames symbol may be Pош=0,1; 0,2; 0,3 and bigger. Upon classic correlation methods using faultlessness receiving codogram with length L bit and with required probability PпрКДГ is practically impossible (for control system required probability PпрКДГ = 0,9÷0,98 and bigger).
One of method of this problem decision is transmission of N codogrames copies. In this case for each symbol decision making realizes by the majority rule: z of n, n ≤ N, n = 2z - 1. Most interesting to know sorting all combinations on n of N, because in this case number of variants of processing is most. In progress of processing parameters z, n may be vary. Receiving of codograme is successful, when at least one of all variants of combinations gives receiving of faultlessness codograme.
In this paper variant of functional scheme of realization of digital symbol accumulation method is described.
Timing duration TП of transmission of codogrames copies formula, probability PпрКДГ formula, timing duration TВ of codogrames receiving formula are received.
Analysis of results of formula calculations shows, that if parameters z, n are raised, then often we increases probability PпрКДГ very effectively. In fact always on a variety of bad quality channel level probability PпрКДГ ≈ 1 is reached. But this action give increasing of timing duration TВ of codogrames receiving and of number of codogrames copies. If PпрКДГ and Pош are fixed, then with help parameters z, n changing optimization problem in accordance with criterion of timing duration of codogrames receiving minimum or with criterion of timing duration of transmission of codogrames copies minimum be able decide. Depending on probability of false receiving of symbol Pош optimal values of parameters z, n for each criterion not coincides with each other.
Pages: 37-42
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