350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Airborne warning and control systems. Role and place in nationwide unified information management system
V.S. Verba - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, general director - general designer of JSC «Concern «Vega»
The shift of perception of modern combat action based on net-work centric non-contact warfare led to an upheaval of the development trends of complex military information-control systems. An analysis of existing information control systems allows to point out several shortcomings, whose elimination is a top-priority goal. Among all possible ways to eliminate system-wide shortcomings, it makes sense to focus on ways that will allow to solve a whole set of problems. One of such ways is the use of mobile information and control fields of air-and space-borne intelligence information systems. These systems falls into five categories of significance: 1. Global network-centric systems based on all types of aerial vehicles, which provides access to information in real-time for users of all levels. 2. Strategical-tactical intelligence information system based on ground- and sea-launched airborne early warning and control systems. 3. Local intelligence information systems based on tactical aircrafts. 4. Local intelligence information systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles. 5. Mixed intelligence information systems using AEW&C systems, tactical aircrafts and unmanned aerial vehicles. The least-expensive way to eliminate system-wide shortcomings is to use AEW&C as the pivotal link in the nation-wide unified information-control system. Using a multi-service AEW&C system of new generation will provide mobile information coverage of the territory og Russian Federation and allied states, thus marginally improving situation awareness of the commands of all services of the armed forces, decrease weapon deployment time and allow over-the-horizon firing for miscellaneous air defence systems. Thus, the employment of AEW&C is the most rational way for development of high-effective, high-informative multiposition military information-control system.
Pages: 10-14

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