350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Packet transmission-s features of different types of traffic over channels with low bandwidth
S.A. Bukashkin - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, member of russian cryptography academy, general director, JSC «Concern «Automation». E-mail: fgup@niia.ru
A.V. Tuchkin - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), senior researcher, leading researcher, JSC «Concern «Automation». E-mail: fgup@niia.ru
The problems that arise at organization of secure information exchange by different kinds of information in a packet-switched communication system that was constructed using low-bandwidth and low quality channels. For the organization of information exchange is proposed to use a stack of interrelated protocols (SIP), developed by JSC «Concern «Automation», which procedures covers channel, network and transport layer of OSI model. Methods of datagram data delivery - short messages and files are combined in SIP (delivery in connectionless-mode enabled ARQ procedures at channel level) and methods for the transmission of real-time voice traffic by switched virtual channels (delivery to the establishment of a logical connection in accordance with the SLA agreements). SIP processing procedures are determined by the type of frames, considered the features of frames transmission of voice traffic and frames containing data, and allow at the integrated transmission of dissimilar traffic to reduce the transmission delay speech and at the same time ensure the reliability of data transmission over low-speed channels with errors. Experimental research on the stand of the communication system, consisting of routers models, user terminals and complex network management, with the aim of studying the parameters and verify functionality of the developed methods are conducted. Program of stand experiments included testing the transmission procedures and mechanisms of protection of different types of information, studying opportunities, duration and efficiency of the procedures of automatic adaptation and reconfiguration of the system to change its structure and parameters, as well as evaluation of the influence of hardware and software means of control complex and telecommunication monitoring on functional processes in system.
Pages: 37-42

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