350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Modelling of mechanical characteristics multilayered printed-circuit boards in PRO/ENGINEER
Z.H.M. Al-Araji - graduate student, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: alaraje@bk.ru
O.Yu. Makarov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: mou@hotbox.ru
A.V. Turetsky - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: tav7@mail.ru
V.A. Shuvayev - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: kipr@vorstu.ru
Modern electronic devices differ high complexity, small mass-dimensional indicators and, as a rule, high reliability. The main bearing knot in them is the printed-circuit board placing on the most part of components with different types of cases. The payment represents quite difficult multilayered design containing, including built-in passive components. It is supposed to use also widely the so-called 3D crystals, allowing to provide switching to a payment from all directions and sharply reducing dimensions of a product. However modern multilayered printed-circuit boards have also shortcomings: they have low maintainability and are strongly subject to mechanical loadings. For an assessment of level of mechanical loadings system CAD/CAM/CAE are widely used. For an example the analysis of the radio-electronic module in Pro/Engineer system is considered. To a regret, in the analysis of results there is no opportunity to find out margin of safety of the printed-circuit board as it depends on many factors: quantities of layers, thickness of a foil and fibreglass, manufacturing techniques, etc. It is impossible to consider these factors in attempt to simulate mechanical loadings in inside layers of the printed-circuit board. Laboratory researches of test samples are necessary for definition of mechanical characteristics of the multilayered printed-circuit board with detection of the maximum characteristics of reliability which then are used as criterion in the analysis. Test printed-circuit boards are subjected to tests for static loading, vibrations and blows with definition of the moment of violation of contact. To acceleration of tests apply thermocycling. Then the received results are exposed to statistical processing. In result it is possible to obtain the data necessary for an assessment of level of mechanical impacts on a payment of the radio-electronic module, allowing further to define ways of optimization of a design. At traditional approach possible refusals would be revealed only at output tests when the prototype is completely created. It would cause a new cycle of project works and tests. Data on tested payments can arrive in the general database of plant for use in further projects. The offered approach will allow to reduce number of completions of radio-electronic means and consequently to reduce time and material inputs.
Pages: 101-102

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