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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Noises estimation technique in power buses of digital devices when carrying out verification of EMC
M.A. Romashchenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: kipr@vorstu.ru
By operation of high speed digital devices in their power buses there are characteristic surges of consumed current and, as a result, voltage drop. For an assessment of the noises arising in power buses, the complex of mathematical models and an appropriate analysis technique is offered. This stage is a component of a method topological verification support requirements EMC in constructions of radio-electronics means. The described technique contains some procedures and consists of the following steps: Step 1 - determination of all decoupling capacitors in power buses; Step 2 - finding sequential inductivity connections each decoupling capacitor; Step 3 - creation list active devices (digital IMS), eating from power buses; Step 4 - computation time of rise/recession signal in a circuit, and also the transition throws current by operation of the active devices; Step 5 - determination parasitic inductivity system outputs of the i-go active component and capacitor; Step 6 - repetition step 5 for all outputs of supply/grounding; Step 7 - computation of current surges and in the feeding bus; Step 8 - determination range of triangular pulses by expansion in a Fourier series, and also values of current of harmonicas; Step 9 - repetition of steps 4-8 for all found active devices.
Pages: 88-90

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