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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Use of expert systems at design radio-electronic means taking into account mechanical influences
O.Yu. Makarov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: mou@hotbox.ru
A.V. Turetsky - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: tav7@mail.ru
Modern radio-electronic means differ high complexity which provides them good functionality, small dimensions and weight. At the same time for ensuring good competitiveness it is necessary to reduce terms of development of the equipment. Various CAD/CAM/ CAE/PDM system which allow to increase considerably quality of design and production preparation at rather small time expenditure are widely applied to these purposes. However recently in the course of design and development of technology even more often began to apply the intellectual system, allowing to automate decision-making process. It is possible to distinguish the expert systems (ES) constructed on the basis of profound special knowledge from these system, gained from specialists experts in the field. Now are available and with success expert systems on medicine, chemistry, meteorologies, to geology, engineering, management, agriculture, etc. are applied. Expert systems have one more important property - with their help possibly creation of systems of the design, allowing to advise the users who aren't experts in the field. At design of radio-electronic means often it is necessary to analyze the received design on mechanical influences (static loadings, vibrations, blows) with use of specialized packages of CAE. The analysis showed that the main difficulty in ordinary designers is caused by process of interpretation of results of modeling on mechanical loadings, and the main thing of a choice of option of a technical solution of minimization of negative factors. As a rule, go on the way of strengthening of weak places or replacement of materials by others with the best strength characteristics that not always is the optimum decision. The correct analysis is possible to only the highly specialized expert who isn't always available, owing to impossibility of coverage of all projects. Here in this case can help expert the systems, incorporating knowledge and experiment of leading experts on the mechanical analysis and optimization of designs of electronic means. In work the structure of system of the complex mechanical analysis of designs of electronic means of various level with use of expert systems is offered. The offered technique with use of expert system can accelerate process of development of products considerably. So, first, thanks to system application of CAE for modeling of mechanical influences, and secondly, to existence of the expert system facilitating interpretation of results of modeling and allowing to accelerate making decisions on optimization of designs.
Pages: 65-67

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