350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The optimal algorithm of determination the coordinates and its potential measurement accuracy with using hyperbolic method
V.P. Dubykin - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate professor. Voronezh State Technical University V.A. Kozmin - Ph.D. (Eng), professor, IRCOS JSK. E-mail: kv@ircoc.vrn.ru
B.V. Matveev - Ph.D. (Eng.), professor, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: matveev@mail.ru
A.A. Salikov - Post-graduate student, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: salikovaa@ircoc.vrn.ru
Currently, the measurement of emitters coordinates in passive multiposition radiolocation systems received much attention [1-4], is connected with features of their functioning. The structure of such systems (geometry) and methods of processing information received from the emitting objects can be different. However, in cases where it is impossible to measure the signal propagation time from the source to each of the receiving positions, hyperbolic method found the widest circulation [1, 2]. Using hyperbolic method allows to determine the position of emitting objects (plane or in space) with high accuracy, by the difference of distances between emitter and receivers. At the same time, to to get two emitting object coordinates on a plane enough have three receiver positions. In most papers [1-4], devoted to studying effectiveness of using the hyperbolic method for determining the coordinates of emitting objects used quite complicated mathematical formalism when the main analytical equations are written in vector-matrix form, making it difficult to expert estimates, the relevance of which always takes place at different stages of the development of appropriate algorithms. Proposed and developed algorithm provides the basic analytical relations in explicit form that allows developers to process organization measurements at various stages to implement expeditiously the various preliminary expert evaluations. At the same time as starting data for the algorithm used mutual delay of signal from emitting object to each pair receiving positions, optimal estimates of measurement which are the most believable.
Pages: 47-50

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