350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Mobile and stationary control device electronic monitoring system of controlled persons «Sota»
O. V. Kudelin - Рost-graduate student designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs of the Voronezh State Technical University, senior engineer of company «Elektrosignal». E-mail: OlegQn@ya.ru
D. A. Verevkin - Рost-graduate student designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs of the Voronezh State Technical University, senior engineer of company «Elektrosignal». E-mail: hondec@inbox.ru
Mobile control unit (MCU) ? an electronic device, designed to be worn in conjunction with the EB when the convicted person punishment in the form of restrictions on freedom of the outside spaces, with a fixed the control device. MCU provides continuous reception and signal identification and EB control assigned to it EB within no more than 5 meters, he is able to recognize a fake or modification received from EB radio signals. Mobile control device provides location determination entity controlled by signals of a satellite navigation system GLONASS / GPS. MCU location accuracy in open space - not worse than ± 30 m at a confidence level 0,99. Stationary control unit (SCU) ? an electronic device that provides a continuous non-stop reception and signal identification EB control mode of presence in the room or on a defined territory, as well as notification of attempts to remove and damage EB and other violations. Stationary control unit receives and processes radio signals EB provides identification under its control zone EB and control of their condition, recognize the forgery or modification of radio signals received from the EB, generates and transmits to the server monitor relevant developments, provides control of up to 200 EB simultaneously. Radius airside SCU using built-in antenna from 100 to 200 m (with the possibility of change through a special interface sensitivity reception EB to fine-tune the size of the controlled area.). To expand the controlled area of more than 400 m of SSI supports the ability to receive signals from the transponders.
Pages: 32-34

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