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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Recognizing situations based on cognitive modeling in geographically distributed protection systems
А. В. Barsukov - Ph.D. (Eng.)
S. V. Gusev
D. F. Shukshin
S. V. Gusev
D. F. Shukshin
The article is about the application in geographically distributed protection systems of the approach to the recognition, analysis and forecasting of the changing situation on the territory controlled. The suggested approach used a method of cognitive modeling, well-established for the analysis of complex semistructured systems in various subject areas.
The method allows to aggregate and formalize situation signs in systems with elements of uncertainty by means of scaling quantitative and qualitative assessments and construction of fuzzy cognitive maps.
Cognitive map allows a visual representation as a weighted directed graph whose vertices correspond to the essential factors of the situation (concepts) and arcs correspond to causal relations between them characterized by the direction and force of influence.
Analytical processing methods oriented for studying of the system structure and getting predictions of its behavior under different control actions are applied to a constructed cognitive map. Application of cognitive modeling enhances the efficiency of recognition, analysis and forecasting situations (threats) under some degree of uncertainty of output information flows of geographically distributed protection systems.
Pages: 87-90
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