350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Radiation of the TEM wave from a flanged parallel-plate waveguide
A.S. Zadorozhnyy - Student, MIPT. E-mail: andrey-zadorozhnyy@yandex.ru
S.P. Skobelev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Associate, JSC «Radiofizika», MIPT. E-mail: s.p.skobelev@mail.ru
The problem of a parallel-plate waveguide with infinite perfectly conducting flange excited in the TEM mode is reduced to a system of integral-algebraic equations for the tangential aperture electric field component and amplitudes of the TM modes reflected from the aperture. The integral parts of the system are algebraized by the Krylov-Bogolyubov method. The purely algebraic system obtained as a result is solved by a numerical method. The dependencies of the reflection coefficient, radiation pattern, and aperture field on the number of the used piece-wise constant basis functions and the number of the retained waveguide modes are studied. It is shown that high accuracy of the results for the waveguide reflection coefficient and gain can be provided with accounting for all the propagating waveguide modes and a few evanescent modes in combination with use of typical constant basis function width of 0.05 to 0.1 of wavelength. In this case some visible errors of the aperture distribution take place only in the vicinity of the aperture edges.
Pages: 95-103

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