350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Model of soft decisions based on erasure channel parameters modification
R.V. Klimov - Post-graduate student, Dept. of telecommunications, Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: chorrus@mail.ru
D.N. Solodovnikova - engineer, OJSC Rostelecom. E-mail: d.solodovnikova@mail.ru
In modern wireless communication systems, significant relevance acquire the tasks associated with the development and applying of methods of processing soft error-correcting codes. Such techniques significantly extend the class of redundant codes decoding algorithms, contributing to a reduction in the code input in the set of reliable performance. Moreover, the use of soft decisions communication system facilities timely change mode adaptation through early detection of changes in the characteristics of interfering factors on the signal processing stage in a continuous communication channel, not in the decoder.
Pages: 90-93

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