350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Errors estimation for MTE and REV calibration methods of PAA
Y. V. Korotetskiy - PhD student of MAI, engineer, JSC «Radiofizika»
A. M. Shitikov - PhD, head of laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
During the calibration procedures of multi-element PAA by switching methods, the question of calibration results accuracy is of high interest. The problem is, that this type of methods are sensitive to noise of aggregated PAA signal. That-s why number of elements, that takes part in calibration procedure, requires correction. In connection with this, determination of PAA signal level for calibration errors minimization for specified power error, is actual. Also, determination of calibration accuracy is crucial for PAA calibration in flight, when addition noises might be presented. In this paper, influences of measurement instruments noises during the calibration procedure on channel-s initial complex weights are estimated. Phase shifters errors that are changing from setting to setting (like in ferrite phase shifters), are not considered. In the case when each phase discrete has constant error (like in p-i-n diode phase shifters), MTE and REV methods doesn-t bring in additional errors. Results of mathematical modeling shows, that it-s possible to use submitted equations for initial phase and amplitude errors estimation of considered calibration methods.
Pages: 72-78

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