350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Computing systems for processing of radar information
V. M. Feldman - doctor of technical sciences, deputy director general of ZAO «MCST»
N. B. Paramonov - doctor of technical sciences, professor, chief researcher of OJSC «I.S. Brook Institute for Electronic Control Machines»
N. B. Paramonov - doctor of technical sciences, professor, chief researcher of OJSC «I.S. Brook Institute for Electronic Control Machines»
The problems of construction and application of computer systems, produced by JSC MCST and OJSC INÈUM I.S. Brook for proces¬sing of radar information for existing and prospective radar complexes phased antenna and digital processing of information.
A presentation of a number of universal computer systems, which, because of their architecture and characteristics can be tailored to meet the challenges of multi-channel digital processing of information in real time. Computing systems are built on heterogeneous multicore microprocessors, 1891VM7, forming the clusters.
Computing complex consists of nine computing clusters, linked by two networks: Infiniband and Gigabit Ethernet. The microprocessor includes two universal kernel architecture team the word wide family of Elbrus and four specialized cores for signal processing architectures Multicor.
The paper presents the results of the performance evaluation of the computational tools for model of radar information processing tasks.
Pages: 43-50
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