350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms of protection from interference in the eight-element phased array antenna
Y. L. Fateev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Siberian federal university (SFU), professor of chair of Radio engineering of the Institute of engineering physics and radiotronics SFU. E-mail: fateev_yury@inbox.ru
D. D. Dmitriev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Siberian federal university (SFU), associate professor of Military-training center. E-mail: dmitriev121074@mail.ru
V. N. Tyapkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate professor, Siberian federal university (SFU), professor of Military-training center. E-mail: tyapkin58@mail.ru
V. N. Ratushnyak - Siberian federal university (SFU), senior lecturer. E-mail: oborona-81@yandex.ru
Currently, all the more widespread satellite navigation system (GNSS) that are used in the interests of different consumers. A special role is played in a safe GNSS precision navigation for aviation security, including the approaching aircraft, ship navigation and other special tasks. Moreover, these tasks must be performed, and also under the influence of interference. The most promising methods of noise control are now considered a spatial selection methods based on the use of adaptive phased array. The paper synthesized eight-element phased array algorithm to adapt to the noise conditions and based on it built a device noise compensation. Analog part of the adaptive phased array consists of an 8-antenna modules with 8 radio link connected to them. Signals from radiopathes come to an analog-to-digital converter and then to the digital part. The digital part contains 12 independent channels of signal processing L1, L2 GLONASS. Each channel consists of a beamforming scheme and digital signal processing channel. Beamforming scheme is a weighted adder signals with 8 analog domains. The weighting factors are calculated by the signal processor in accordance with the formation of the desired directional pattern. The prototype testing of adaptive eight-element phased array showed that the synthesized adaptation algorithm PAR has high efficiency and allows for the suppression of both narrowband and wideband interference. Rejection Ratio using the methods of spatial filtering is: - Under the influence of harmonic interference - 40-45 dB; - Under the influence of noise with a limited range - 35-40 dB; - Under the influence of broadband noise - 30-35 dB.
Pages: 29-34

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