350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of a two-parameter adaptive technique by structure of a radio network of a decameter radio communication
decameter radio communication automated system
digital radio network
estimation of efficiency
structural adapting
A.M. Mezhuev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associote Professor, the chief 123 stands of transmitting and take up RF units (communication facilitieses and radio security). E-mail: multitenzor@mail.ru
M.A. Saveliev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associote Professor, the assistant of the chief 123 stands of transmitting and take up RF units (communication facilitieses and radio security)
M.A. Saveliev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associote Professor, the assistant of the chief 123 stands of transmitting and take up RF units (communication facilitieses and radio security)
The article «Algorithm of a two-parameter adaptive technique by structure of a radio network of a decameter radio communication» is dedicated to the actual technological task of development of the mathematical apparatus and choice of metrics of efficiency of automated systems of a decameter radio communication. As global criteria are tendered information power and efficiency of a communication system in sense of an information communications defined on the basis of the tensor methodology. The matching of different variants of construction of a network of a radio communication on offered information metrics allows in the speaker of operation to define topology of a network with the best productivity in sense of prompt delivery of the message. On the basis of matching on two offered metrics the algorithm of structural adapting of automated systems of decameter communication is designed.
The probings spent now in the field of construction of automated systems of a decameter radio communication, are oriented to development of mathematical models of adaptive intelligence systems at representation them by the way of composite technical system. The fundamental complexity thus is defined in absence of uniform metrics of quality for an adaptive technique at its different levels.
The figure of merits, offered in the article, of a system release are well interdependent to random-temporary metrics of a link-layer of a multiparameter adaptive technique.
Pages: 9-14
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