350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Information support of operator in uncertainty
operator activity
the uncertainty
the correction of the information system
the model of the object state
the measurement model
V.I. Pavlov ― Dr.Sci.(Eng.), professor of chair DREMS, Tambov State Technical University. E-mail: vpavl@mail.ru
T.V. Aksenova - post-graduate student of chair DREMS, Tambov State Technical University. Е-mail: belova_tatyana@bk.ru
Statistics show that in the «human factor» in the field of computer-aided facility management (processes) for more than 50% of all cases of violations, incidents and accidents. The most difficult work of the operators are in a situation in which there are uncertainties in the readings of the instruments and meters, the contradictions in the testimony, the output of displayed readings of range.
An approach to information support of the operator in the face of uncertainty, increasing its capacity and interference immunity. The essence of the approach is to develop a unified position of the conceptual model of management of the facility, as well as physical and mathematical models of phase change of coordinates. The approach allows for the rational use of heuristic capabilities of the operator in the event of uncertainty over the control session by correcting certain parts of the database information system.
Models of the state of the object and measuring its phase coordinates containing additive components and leading to the occurrence of uncertainties. Presents detailed measurement model, designed for implementation in the information system support operator. Shows a variant of the scheme of information support of operator activity in the face of uncertainty.
Pages: 115-119
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