350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Methodology of modeling interframe differences for the frequency responses
A.V. Bogoslovsky - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Prof. of the chair of Higher Mathematics, Tambov STU I.V. Zhigulina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the chair of Applied Mathematics and Mechanies, Tambov STU. E-mail:irazhigulina@gmail.ru
Hierarchical and intellectual processing is necessary for effective work of control systems, navigation and safety. An alternative of interframe difference of video signals is necessary for separation of movement and determination of its parameters. Possibilities of the interframe differences of energy spectrum and phase-energy spectrum are considered. The difference of energy spectrums contains information about movement even if image's energy has not changed. Difficulties of creation interframe differences for the frequency responses are analyzed. The main singularities of the interframe differences of the frequency responses are considered. The methodology of modeling is offered. The influence of the different spatial domains is analyzed. The specific model of interframe differences of the frequency responses is considered.
Pages: 76-82

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