350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Definition of coordinates of a site of object in networks GSM and UMTS on the basis of use of the information on a direction of reception of signals from base stations
A.V. Ivanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Prof. of the chair «Radioengineering», Tambov STU. E-mail: Aleksandr-Ivanov68@yandex.ru D.V. Komrakov - Postgraduate student of the chair «Radioengineering», Tambov STU. E-mail: radist41@bk.ru
Improvement of navigation of mobile ground targets is possible due to the use of systems, whose operation is based on the use of new technologies. For such systems, it is advisable to use ground-based cellular radio infrastructure with the building of its basic and additional control and correction stations. A significant drawback of these systems is to be asked to use own base stations or switching center to calculate the coordinates. In this case, the location information is given to the subscriber with a delay determined by the time of receipt of the request the switching center and calculate the coordinates of your location to send a message about the location of the subscriber. The article is devoted to the development of the algorithm for determining the coordinates of the location using the information about the direction of the signals from GSM base stations and study the characteristics of the accuracy of location coordinates with it. The resulting precision characteristics determine the coordinates of ground moving objects with an accuracy comparable to determine the coordinates of the location in networks GSM (TOA, E-OTD), allowing you to use this method in practice.
Pages: 70-75

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