350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The algorithm ranging channel in view of the information onboard sensors aircraft
J.N. Panasjuk - PhD, associate professor, assistant professor of a radio engineering, Tambov State Technical University. E-mail: pyunikol@rambler.ru A.P. Pudovkin - Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor managing chair of a radio engineering, Tambov State Technical University. E-mail: resbn@jesby.tstu.ru S.N. Danilov - Dr.Sci.Tech., associate professor, professor of a radio engineering, Tambov State Technical University. E-mail: plabz@mail.ru I.V. Knyazev - undergraduate of department of radio engineering, Tambov State Technical University. E-mail: knyazivan@mail.ru
In the current ATC system of the state of the ranging channel model is based on the hypothesis of the target moves at a constant speed, which does not meet modern requirements for air traffic control systems by providing the capacity for a given level of air safety. The preferred option to solve this problem is the synthesis of electronic tracking devices AATC the trajectory of movement of air targets with the use of the information on-board sensors aircraft. Based on the information board sensors algorithm is developed and conducted simulations of radar ranging channel. Analysis of the algorithm shows that the accuracy of phase estimation aerial target coordinate better 2.5...2 times using information velocimeters, angle, yaw angle, angles of inclination of the sight line in the vertical and horizontal planes as compared with existing stadia channels, where the information is available. This is due to more accurate extrapolation speed air targets along the line of sight. The synthesized ranging channel, taking into account information on-board sensors aircraft can significantly improve the accuracy and stability of the filter characteristics evaluation of range, speed, acceleration. Improved accuracy permits better perform the tasks of the ATC system to increase throughput for a given level of security.
Pages: 60-64

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