350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Method two-stage of search and detection of the Gaussovsky signal in the conditions of uncertainty
N.J. Muzychenko, D.A. Tyurin
The method two-stage search and detection of the Gaussovsky signal in the conditions of uncertainty of its dispersion with the improved time indicators of search is developed. Essential difference of the offered method from the procedure which are based on two-stage detector of Helstrom is the variation of duration of supervision at the second stage depending on results of performance of the first. Formalisation of this dependence is executed within the limits of a mathematical apparatus of the theory of indistinct sets. Working capacity and efficiency of the developed method are confirmed by results of comparative modeling, under identical entrance conditions of the comparison which have shown in relation to object a prize on average time of search in the conditions of signal presence approximately in 1,2 times. A scope of the developed method are two-stage systems of search and detection of the Gaus¬sovsky signal with an unknown dispersion and increased requirements to speed.
Pages: 86-90


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