350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Compensatory ways of struggle against aim hindrances on frequency in systems of an aviation radio communication using pseudo-casual reorganisation of working frequency
A.E. Bogdanov, S.A. Popov, M.S. Ivanov, A.V. Berezin
In article systems of a radio service with fast and slow program reorganization of a radio frequency, in a section of struggle against aim selective interferences on frequency are considered. Some methods of reduction of influence of selective interferences on communication systems with program reorganization of a radio frequency are resulted. Skeleton diagrams implementing compensating both one noise, and several selective interferences influencing radio service system are presented. The output is drawn on possibility of effective reduction of probability of an error in reception of a desired signal by elimination of influence of a noise by means of the adaptive compensators of selective interferences.
Pages: 81-85

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