350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Target location accuracy in the bistatic radar
F.N. Kovalev
Article focuses on the accuracy of the target location on the plane in bistatic radar to measure the azimuth and the sum of distances from the transmitter to the target and from the target to the receiver. Expressions are given for the calculation of the error location vector and its components. They are derived from the theory of a scalar field with the small errors in the measurement of azimuth and sum of distances. The major properties of the error vector in the vicinity of the base line connecting the points of transmission and reception are identified. This is of interest the forward scattering radar. The relationship between errors in the measurement of azimuth, sum of distances and the error of location is determined. Reducing the distance between the target and the base line is accompanied to decreased location accuracy. This is due to increasing of bistatic angle. To conclude the paper diagrams of the average value of the square of the length of the error vector are shown. Calculations are made for random, independent and unbiased errors of measurements of azimuth and sum of distances. Noted that the azimuth measurement of receiver lead to asymmetry diagrams: positioning accuracy in the region of transmitter is worse than in the region of receiver.
Pages: 56-59

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