350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Analyze of amplitude suppression of non-gaussian noise channels by the fourier transformation method
V.A. Danilov, A.V. Danilov
The work is devoted to the analyze of amplitude suppression (AS) of non-Gaussian noise tracts including an inertialless nonlinear converter (NC) which amplitude characteristic (AC) is given in the Fourier sine formula (FSF). The use of FSF for a given AC and its analog in the form of Fourier Bessel transformation enables to describe nonlinear characteristics in AS by a transformation function, which order is less than the order of the origin function. The developed mathematical apparatus is illustrated by many specific examples. In particular an integrable function in exponent form that enabled to write down all function transformations in an explicit form. The results obtained can be used in the problems of AS tracts in adaptive and nonparametric cases. The developed mathematical apparatus can also be used for other integral transformations described well in the mathematical literature.
Pages: 50-55

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