350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Synchronization method by using quasi orthogonal signals with cycling code shift keying
V.N. Kharisov, A.N. Karutin
Preliminary estimate of data rate in perspective high precision complex of augmentation system is 3360 bits/s. Such speed can be obtain by using sifted respected to each other pseudorandom sequence L3 GLONASS signal. But it is still uncertain synchronization method of cycling code shift keying signals. Therefore synchronization is the point of this article. Suggested method allows determine delay without extra sync or pilot signal. When signals received only information delay changes not the real delay. Thus after several symbols we can certainly define real delay. Also this paper provides method of generation information delays set differ from primitive sequential set. Information delays set produced from K-bit binary sequence with M ones on the information delays numbers, the rest are zeros. Then method defines sequence with best autocorrelation function. For the best information delays set provided relation between error delay estimation probability and signal accumulation time. The result shown for modeling and analytically.
Pages: 122-125

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