350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The potential performance of frequency estimation for non-coherent receiver
space radio navigation systems
user apparatus
frequency loking loop
frequency estimation
potential characteristics
recursive Bayesian estimation
I.V. Korogodin
Characteristics of optimal and quasi-optimal frequency tracking systems for non-coherent receiver have been presented. The curves "RMSE vs SNR" have been submitted. These curves show the losses in the signal/noise ratio from the use of quasi-optimal approach. The value of loss is between 2 and 4 dB. The value increases with the intensity of the dynamic effects.
A calculation method for optimal solution has been described. The method is a variation of grid-based solution for recursive Bayesian estimation (Stratonovich-s equation). It allows you to operate with parameters that have infinite limits: the grid adjusts to the position and size of the probability density.
Pages: 109-115
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