350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Two-component GLONASS CMDA signal acquisition algorithm
E.N. Boldenkov, I.V. Lipa
Newly introduced civil GLONASS CDMA signal L1OC would have two components - pilot and data. The data component is modulated with binary message while the pilot one is not.
The pilot signal component is intended to be used precise measurements and weak signal tracking. Traditional signal acquisition algorithms consider only the pilot component. However the pilot component has only one half of total signal power. Therefore one need to develop new algorithms to perform common processing of two signal components. This approach potentially could provide 3 dB better performance compared to single pilot component processing.
However due to data modulation in the data channel this figure could not be achieved. The L1OC data component has symbol length of 2 ms. A lot of applications require to use longer signal integration time.
Two techniques of signal integration in periods longer than data bit length are suggested in the article. It is shown that both techniques provide similar performance for signal detection problem, but only one of them is applicable for signal frequency search.
Pages: 97-101
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