350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis and analysis of non coherent delay tracking algorithm for two-component L1OC GLONASS signal
A.I. Perov
Perspective signals for GLONASS satellite navigation system with code division are two-components and include pilot and data components. This components have different modulation type and are integrated in single signal using bit time multiplexing method. The best accuracy of navigation definitions can be reached if two signal components are joint processed. In the article synthesis of non coherent time delay tracking algorithm for two-component L1OC GLONASS signal is performed. There is obtained formula for a complex time delay discriminator. Discriminatory characteristic is calculated for this discriminator. It is shown that discriminatory characteristic slope and its aperture are in 2,5 times greater then similar characteristics for delay discriminator constructed for receiving only pilot component of L1OC GLONASS signal. Besides discriminatory characteristic for delay discriminator constructed for receiving only pilot component of L1OC GLONASS signal has subsidiary stable points. This can result in ambiguity for delay estimation.
Pages: 85-89
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