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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms of calculation of co-ordinates of source of radio emission in goniometric and measuring differences distances systems with the minimum number of mobile carriers with error check of definition of site of places of acceptance
E.A. Kirsanov, A.N. Fomin
Algorithms of calculation of co-ordinates of a source of a radio emission in goniometric and measuring differences of distances radio systems with the minimum number of mobile carriers with error check of definition of a site of places of acceptance on the basis of an adaptive filtration a method of division of the expanded vector of a condition are considered. Results of statistical modelling are resulted.
It is shown, that the error of definition of co-ordinates of places of acceptance leads to deterioration of accuracy of calculation of co-ordinates of a source of a radio emission by the traditional filter on the basis of local normal approximation. This most typical for a method measuring range differences. Error check of definition of co-ordinates of places of acceptance at the expense of their recalculation in equivalent noise of measurements of parametre of position or expansion of a vector of a condition allows to raise accuracy of calculation of co-ordinates. Thus the second approach is more effective.
Pages: 47-51
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