350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Passive source location on the basis of radar-tracking technology joint aposteriori processing of observed data
O.N. Eltsov, A.V. Vanyasov
Questions of Passive Source Localization are actual enough also to their viewing the extensive literature is devoted.
In known operations methods of Passive Source Localization grounded on joint processing of signals, accepted by various positions, or methods of the decentralized processing are used.
At the same time, algorithms of joint processing of signals demand their transmission on processing point. Are for this purpose necessary high-speed communication link that is not always realized in practice, especially at action on transmission media of the data of a various view of noises. Application of the decentralized processing in systems of a Passive Source Localization sharply reduces requirements to transmission lines of the data, however a payment for it is the considerable deterioration of accuracy of location.
Alternative to the centralized and decentralized algorithms is application of technology joint aposteriori handling results of measurements. This technology can be realized by dissection of a frequency spectrum of an accepted signal into separate frequency channels and measuring in each spatial and frequency channels of amplitude and a phase of accepted signals with their subsequent joint optimum processing.
In article the algorithm of source passive location is described and numerical modeled. Working capacity of algorithm and possibility of its application in a passive location are confirmed by results of modeling.
Pages: 42-46
- Patent SShA № US8159902.
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