350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Signal processing in radar MIMO at the location of non-stationary objects
V.A. Ponkin, E.S. Emelyanov, A.V. Ivankin
САОРИ (MIMO) ? radar technology, based on the receipt and processing of the joint posterior measurements (multi-frequency parameters). Its use opens up the prospect of creating a new type of multi-dimensional (in space, frequency and time) radar, providing, for simplifying the design radar simultaneous increase their survivability, information content, and noise immunity performance.
The purpose of this article is to examine the features of the construction of algorithms for signal processing in radar MIMO when locating non-stationary objects. We use the superposition principle, which applies to the case of non-stationary location of the object. In the future, on the basis of this extended superposition principle we consider algorithms for processing the results of multi-channel measurements in probing transient objects.
Features of construction algorithms for multi-channel measurement results obtained in radar MIMO when locating non-stationary objects due to the need of virtual sensing of extended space. To calculate the signal function must be set apart from the choice of the spatial point of sounding an additional set of the velocity vector (magnitude and direction) of the motion target in the selected point. The need for the simultaneous measurement of two parameters leads to an increase in the ambiguity range estimation. The magnitude of this ambiguity may be reduced by increasing the maximum frequency in the set of probe signals. Accuracy of estimates of range and velocity are correlated and inversely proportional to the maximum frequency of the spectrum of the probing signals. The frequency band radar MIMO determines the number and magnitude of side lobes of the signal function, and its choice requires special attention to the task of locating multiple objects with different speeds and range.
Pages: 33-37
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