350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Prospects of improvement of radar equipment on the basis of the JAPRM technology
E.F. Ivankin, V.A. Ponkin, A.V. Ivankin
In article the principles of construction and the main advantages of RLS created on the basis of the SAORI technology, in comparison with traditional RLS, and also perspective RLS MIMO are considered.
The main content of the SAORI technology consists in performance of the following operations.
1. Choice of system of testing signals.
2. Sounding of object of supervision by testing signals, reception of the reflected signals and measurement of parameters of the accepted signals (receiving results of measurements).
3. Transfer of the results of measurements (RM) on point of joint processing.
4. Joint processing of multichannel RI on the COMPUTER on the algorithms providing the solution of a radar task.
As appears from the listed operations, essential feature of the SAORI technology is joint processing of multichannel results of measurements, unlike the joint processing of multichannel signals which is carried out in traditional RLS.
This feature also determines the main advantages of RLS SAORI connected with simplicity of creation of radiating elements and transfer of results of measurements (in comparison with transfer of signals which is carried out in traditional RLS), and also possibility of more effective use of the COMPUTER for joint processing of rather slowly changing results of measurements, instead of the microwave oven of signals (that is limited to speed of modern COMPUTERS).
The SAORI technology is focused on receiving discrete RL of information in certain spatial and frequency canals (probably analog methods), with the subsequent joint digital processing of RL of information on the COMPUTER. Therefore the SAORI technology has no restrictions on a strip of frequencies of processed signals digital methods.
Pages: 25-28
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