350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Using fractal processing for detection and classification of random radio signals
A.V. Kuzovnikov
Intensive development of methods of digital processing allows to lower a threshold of detection of low-energy signals. One of the newest and perspective directions of digital processing is researching of indirect signs of radio signals. Indirect signs allow to expand space of signs for more information about a processed signal. The purpose of the given activity is researching of fractal properties of radio signals. As investigated signs Hurst's parameter, correlation dimension and correlation entropy are sampled. The analysis of the received results has shown that use as criterion of detection of a parameter of Hurst allows to reduce a threshold of detection of low-energy radio signals. The analysis of values of correlation dimension and correlation entropy has shown that the given parameters have a wide spacing and for their average estimation carrying out of a series of measurements is required. The analysis of necessary quantity of measurements for obtaining of an estimation of the given parameters is carried out. Results of the researching have shown that spread of average values of correlation dimension and correlation entropy enough large at various values of a signal/noise ratio of a processed signal.
Pages: 119-123

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