350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Improved effectiveness of systems personal communications by sattelite
P.Ya. Sivirin, A.V. Kuzovnikov, V.V. Golovkov
Now systems of personal satellite communication actively develop, increases both number of subscribers, and number of processed and transferred information. Rapid growth of Internet users and increasing number of Internet traffic creates big load of communication systems and demands high speed of transfer of package data in communication systems. In this article the main existing commercial systems of personal satellite communication in a geostationary orbit and low circular orbits are considered and their characteristics are presented. Criteria on which are offered the assessment of efficiency of systems of personal satellite communication will to be carried out. Ways of increase of efficiency of PSS systems, at the expense of improvement of power of communication lines (by increase in capacity of transmitters and use of modern large-sized multibeam aerials), applications of effective methods of modulation and coding, signal processing onboard KA, applications of various methods помехозащиты (are offered spatial and alarm adaptation to a pomekhovy situation). At the end of article the PSS perspective system with use of spacecrafts on VEO in which it is offered to use the presented methods of increase of efficiency of satellite communication systems is offered, its main characteristics and advantages are shown.
Pages: 108-113

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