350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Correlation analysis in signals classification systems
N.P. Filimonov, T.N. Bodikova
The article deals with the problems of effectiveness increase in radio location means operation in conditions when discrete passive clutter of natural origin influence greatly. The analysis of unwanted clutter static characteristics has shown that they relate to the class of low speed, smallsized objects with high coefficient of interperiodic correlation. Now days the moving targets selection systems do not provide suppression of discrete unwanted clutter. According to the results of reflected signals classification the exclusion method from the unwanted clutter process was presented. The coefficient of interperiodic (interchannel) correlation of reflected signals is chosen as the classification sign. The correlation autocompensator is such a mechanism which can form the correlation operation estimate. And neuronets will be used to solve the problem. The research work of suggested algorithm was held using the computer means. The results showed that this mechanism had been operated with high effectiveness.
Pages: 82-84

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