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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The radar parametric method of railway facilities diagnostic
parametric interaction
mechanical vibrations
electromagnetic waves
remote control
G.Ya. Shaydurov, D.S. Kudinov, V.V. Suhotin
The phenomena of interaction of electromagnetic waves and mechanical vibrations at medium boundaries with different type of conductivity and creation on their basis of parametrical radioengineering systems for the remote real-time monitoring of various railway facilities are described.
The parametrical radar method of remote diagnostics of objects of railway transport in the movement, consisting in extraction of information on defects of controllable object by registration of frequencies of its own mechanical fluctuations is considered. These methods can be used for the diagnostics of details and units of rolling stock, rails and railroad bridge spans.
For the rail segment rigidly fixed between two supports the theoretical and experimental estimates of method sensitivity depending on the defect size are given.
Scientific justification of the radar parametric method for natural-vibration frequency measurement is given. Experimental facility with autodyne radar for rail flaw detecting is described. The experimental verification of theoretical relations is shown.
Possibility of developing of low-speed (up to 20 Hz) parametrical diagnostics systems for a monitoring of large building construction, such as railway bridges, is justified.
In conclusion the possibility of parametrical radar systems utilizing for non-contact three-component system registration of mechanical fluctuations of railway facilities for the selection of diagnostic information signal by means of natural-vibration frequency parameters is summed up.
Pages: 61-64
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