350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of receiving and transmitting phased antenna arrays with control of polarization
phased antenna arrays
synthesis of a phased antenna array with controlled polarization
directional diagram
polarization diagram
A.S. Osipov
Consider a phased antenna array (PAA) with control of polarization of radiated field (CPF) consisting of N orthogonal radiators. The control of polarization is done by tuning the ratios of amplitude and phase in orthogonal channels of each radiator.
The optimality criterion for a PAA with CPF in the receiving mode is the maximum of signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR).
Let PAA receives partially polarized useful signal and M partially polarized interferences from different directions.
The solution to the problem, i.e. the optimal vector v0, for which SINR at the output of the antenna array with CPF is maximal (given known parameters of signal and M interferences: full intensity of the signal and interferences at the input of PAA with CPF, phasor of the irradiating wave of the signal and interferences, the degree of polarization of the signal and interferences) is found and analyzed.
The obtained solution is then generalized to the case of transmitting PAA with CPF for two cases (two models of the signal): randomly polarized signal and regularly (fully) polarized signal.
It is shown that in presence of limitations on the parameters of the signal and interferences the maximum of signal-to-noise ratio with precision to a constant multiplier corresponds to the maximum of directed gain.
In the first case an equivalent problem of finding the magnitude of polarization in the direction of the main maximum and given polarization directionality properties of PAA in i'th directions for which the directionality gain of PAA with CPF is maximal is solved.
In the second case a problem of maximizing the directionality gain for given polarization of radiated field in the direction of the main maximum and given polarization directionality properties of PAA in i'th directions is solved.
The article presents a mathematical formulation of the problem of synthesis of transmitting PAA with CPF with reference to the previous work of the author where this problem is solved along with the presented results of computer modeling of PAA with CPF.
Pages: 30-34
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