350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The measurement accuracy of navigation parameters in user equipment GLONASS satellite navigation system,equipped with an antenna array
T.G. Sharfunova, V.N. Tyapkin, D.D. Dmitriev
Improving accuracy of coordinate-time and navigation providing - one of the main problems to be solved in the precision navigation equipment consumer satellite navigation systems. In the article the results of experimental studies of modern precision GNSS hardware based on antenna arrays. It is shown that the modern methods of signal processing in navigation equipment have reduced the pseudo range random measurement error to a few millimeters as measured by the GNSS. The obtained experimental data on the model allow us to make conclusions about the need to use antenna arrays that will, along with an increase in noise immunity, to ensure the accuracy requirements to be met by a new generation of navigation equipment. Comparing the measured pseudorange difference obtained by reception of signals from navigation satellites for single and two-antenna and four-element antenna arrays, as well as equipment MRC-33 indicates a significant increase in performance precision when using arrays, primarily by reducing the effect of multipath. This result is explained by the presence of spatial selection using the navigation in the definitions of the total signal the antenna array, ie focusing directivity pattern produced by the signal source, thereby significantly decreasing the influence of multipath on the accuracy of navigation definitions. Furthermore, when using the total signal power increases sharply navigation signal received by the antenna system, which increases the signal / noise ratio, stability and tracking signal phase delay.
Pages: 22-25
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