350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Селектор для частотного и поляризационного разделения сигналов в облучателе антенны К- и Ка- диапазонов
orthomode transduser
dual-band feed
polarization and frequency decoupling
computer simulation
K- and Ka- band
Yu.B. Korchemkin, M.V. Urukov
Electrodynamics computer simulation results of orthomode transducers for high level frequency and polarization separation of K and Ka band signals at dual-band antenna feed are presented.
Two models of circular waveguide transducers with different design of elements that are coupling the circular waveguides with К - band rectangular waveguides are considered. High level of frequency separation is achieved by using the tree slot design of coupling elements. The possibility to achieve the return loss levels at the orthomode transducer less than -26 dB at K-band (17,7-21,7 GHz), -24 dB at Ка (27,5-31 GHz) and level of frequency separation more than 28 dB at K-band is shown.
The developed orthomode transducers can be used at satellite communication systems.
Pages: 105-108
- www.gdsatcom.com
- www.ascsignal.com
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