350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Stability margin increase of transistor oscillator steady-state regime method
thermal feedback
steady-state regime
A.V. Kononov
This paper focuses on the efficient transistor oscillator steady-state regime stability margin increase method proposed by author. This method is based on the use of correction in oscillator self-bias circuit.
The oscillator CAD model is based on the system of Evtyanov-s symbolic shortened differential equations. Specific feature of this model is an accounting of intrinsic thermal feedback impact, which occurs owing to transistor electrophysical parameters temperature dependence.
The oscillator steady-state regime stability analysis is based on the Routh-Hurwitz algebraic criterion.
The suppression feature of oscillation self-modulation caused by excessive self-bias circuit inertance impact is experimentally proved by the proposed correction modification.
Pages: 57-63
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