350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Increase of accuracy of determination of coordinates of the purpose at realization of cooperative processing in the multiitem radar-tracking system
the multistate radar-tracking system
range measurements
redundancy of the information
cooperative processing
G.М. Mashkov, E.G. Borisov, L.S. Tournetsky
High-precision measurement of coordinates is more whole in the multiitem radar-tracking systems (MPRLS) consisting of separate radar stations, carried relatively each other on certain base distances, is the most important problem of processing of radar-tracking information.
Cooperative processing of information in system with superfluous measurements of phase coordinates of the purpose, in our opinion, is the fullest and physical basis of increase of accuracy of determination of coordinates of the purposes. Using superfluous dalnomerny measurements in MPRLS (for example, measurements of inclined ranges to the purpose, total ranges and differences of distances), by means of the offered mathematical transformations it is possible to receive high-precision estimates of inclined ranges concerning each of positions. Thus, depending on number of estimated parameters, the error of determination of range decreases three times.
Pages: 004-009
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