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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Subsystem of program support of decision-making in process training automation on disciplines of the radio-electronic profile
N.E. Samojlenko, L.S. Ochneva
Principles of creation of the effective environment of automation of the training focused on use of network technology of distance learning which provides convenient granting to the student of a base course of knowledge and acquisition of necessary skills by it are considered, possesses the flexible monitoring system, and also allows to receive necessary information for the analysis of progress and formation of correcting influences with use of algorithm of providing educational information.
The urgency of development of a subsystem of program support of work of the teacher is caused, first of all, by an urgent need in an intensification of process of training, use of modern information and network technologies, and also in creation of the dynamic training environment providing demanded quality of vocational training of experts in the field of design and technology of radio-electronic means.
In a program complex a number of functionality of the adaptive environment of the automated training is realized:
- existence of a wide set of forms of testing (compliance establishment, a multiple choice, true is incorrect, the numerical answer, the short answer, the essay, the answer in a free form with the analysis of correctness of the answer on keywords, etc.);
- possibility of contact to the teacher at emergence of difficulties during course passing;
- maintaining individual statistics of studying of a course for each student, taking into account his results on performance of practical and test tasks when studying a certain subject;
- possibility of evident representation of a material of educational subjects by means of audio and video;
- start possibility of most often used appendices from the interface of the program.
The developed algorithm of training considers need of repeated reproduction of a material, and also is under construction on principles of universality, flexibility and adequate division of structure (modularity). This principle of creation of algorithm of training is carried out on the basis of dynamic programming.
Pages: 107-114
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