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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Technique of the analysis of radio-electronic modules on mechanical durability
I.A. Lozovoy, A.V.Turetsky
Radio-electronic modules (RM) is one of basic elements of radio-electronic means. On them a large number of the difficult electronic components sensitive to mechanical influences (to blows, vibrations, static loadings and so forth) takes place. To carry out the mechanical analysis of a design of RM means of modern CAD/CAE it is not represented difficult. Difficulties are caused by the analysis of results of modeling. When processing results of modeling in Pro/Engineer system of the modal analysis of RM it is visually visible that some components got to the most loaded zone. Whether thus such situation clearly will lead to violation of their working capacity or not. Often operability of a component is defined not by mechanical durability of the case, and durability of the soldering, as most responsible knot.
Unfortunately, the Pro/Engineer system doesn\'t allow to model mechanical characteristics of solder connections of components which first of all define reliability of the radio-electronic module. Even insignificant microcracks in it can lead to change of transitional resistance and loss of operability of the module. Business becomes complicated still that there is a large number of various cases, solders, modes of the soldering of electronic components. In this case without natural tests not to manage.
In this work the block diagram of a technique of the complex analysis of mechanical characteristics of RM considering limiting values of vibrations, blows, static loadings of the various electronic components defined by testing on automated installation is offered.
The offered technique can accelerate considerably process of completion of developed products - in the first, thanks to system application of CAD/CAE using FEM for modeling of mechanical influences, and in the second, to existence of constantly filled up database according to mechanical characteristics of electronic components. As in many Russian design organizations there is a big nomenclature of developed products (sometimes more than 100) with application of various electronic components (often very similar) introduction of such technique will allow all departments of the enterprise to use this base without carrying out additional natural tests.
Pages: 85-88
- Future IEC/PAS 62137-3 © IEC:200x-7-91/784/PAS.
- Lozovojj I.A., Tureckijj A.V. Podsistema ispytanija pajanykh soedinenijj ehlektronnykh komponentov na mekhanicheskie vozdejjstvija // Radiotekhnika. 2012. № 8. S. 80 - 84.
- Lozovojj I.A., Tureckijj A.V., SHuvaev V.A. Metody ispytanija pajanykh soedinenijj poverkhnostno montiruemykh komponentov na mekhanicheskie vozdejjstvija // Radiotekhnika. 2012. № 8. S. 76 - 80.