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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The automated system of test components connections solder of radio-electronic modules on mechanical influences
I.A. Lozovoy, A.V. Turetsky
Now developers of difficult electronic equipment the increasing preference give CAD of high level which cover the majority of stages of creation of a product, beginning from initial to final, including prototype testing. Thus such SAPR provide high \"associativity\" of projects that allows to lower considerably temporary costs of development of equipment.
Among such systems it is possible to allocate Pro/ENGINEER system (nowadays Creo Parametric). She treats the \"mechanical\" CAD covering all design stages and preparations of production, including process 3D modeling, the engineering analysis and development of technology.
For the solution of a task of the engineering mechanical analysis of designs of electronic devices the Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica module can be used. He allows to carry out research of thermomechanical characteristics of projected products and their optimization on the set parameters.
However in the Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica module there is no possibility of modeling of processes of violation of contacts a payment component of the radio-electronic module while violation of integrity of solder connection is the main reason for its refusal at mechanical influences. During too time after carrying out testing of the module it is expedient to check the electronic components being in the most loaded areas and find out to what can to give it. For definition of conditions of violation of integrity of solder connections it is required to carry out large-scale tests which will give the maximum admissible depth of a deflection of a payment the quantity of thermocycles etc. at which will occur contact violation as results for each type of a component.
The technique of testing is regulated by the international IEC/PAS 62137-3 [2] standard. In it ways of the accelerated test of various components (both SMD, and with installation in openings) on blow, vibration, shift and other types of loadings are in detail described. Process is applied to an intensification of the destructive processes proceeding in solder connection cycles of change of temperature -endurance in a heat chamber at a certain temperature. Parameters of a cycles of change of temperature and their quantity are specified also. However in a standard there are no data on a design of applied test benches, there are only recommendations, about performance of test payments and a design of captures for them.
For realization of test of electronic components on durability of solder connections at action of vibrations schemes of the automated installations are offered at impact of vibrations and blows. For realization of test of electronic components on durability of solder connections at action of vibrations schemes of the automated installations are offered at impact of vibrations and blows.
Pages: 79-81
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- FutureIEC/PAS 62137-3 © IEC:200x-7-91/784/PAS.
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